A Mom and a Family of Men!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Lesson 18

It is a new week...and our little genious boys are all rested up from a long weekend! So beware! They just may succeed this week! *cue scary laugh*

Highlights of the day:

Elijah had his 3rd phonics test today and of course...passed with a 100%. I love that abeka has such a firm and strong phonics curriculum. Matthew and I are just so pleased with his writing skills. He can spell and write so well. He writes better than most adults do. It is just staggering! The complete thoughts on paper is just something that makes me smile. My baby does this, is what I think over and over again.

Music theory I/flutophone was today. And he now can identify and define:
*time signatures
*double bar line
*treble clef
*bar line
He was so excited today when he found out that he was to learn these things. He just hates that he only has music once a week. But we do practice almost everyday. 6 more lessons until he starts to play his flutophone! :)

Remy had a good day. He is doing really good with his phonics and counting. He learns so easily! The two things he wanted to share on the blog today was his turtle he made with me.
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
And his bee finger puppet.
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It was a really good day and both of the boys sped through the work. I even managed to get some cleaning done today. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aaaahhhhhhh dont sting me mr bee watch out remmy be careful . see you boys next week i love you and let mom know i love her toooo love nannas bye