A Mom and a Family of Men!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Lesson 21

We had a speedy day here at our homeschool today. Remy didn't want to do school. He and I are coming down with something again! I want to cry! Ahhhh! And Eli did his school in 2 hours! We started at 1:30 and ended at 3:30!

Hightlights of the day:
Eli did really good on his writing test today. Gosh he has pretty handwriting. :) I just love it! In math he got to make a graph and he really enjoyed that. Science was fitting for todays weather. We studied a little on the animals and what they do in the winter. I was shocked to know that he knew almost all of it. I asked him where he learned it all and he said the tv! LOL! Oh gosh! They are the age of TV aren't they?

The reason Eli was in such a hurry today was because we have been invited to the public school fall festival this evening. We went last year and it was so much fun! Well, we are off to get ready for the festival and for venturing into the darkside called public school! LOL! *Just kidding for our public school mamas and kids*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dont let my babies get sick and i mean all4 of you