A Mom and a Family of Men!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Lesson 23

Today was another short day because daddy was off from work and we wanted to just spend our time with him. :)

The highlights of the day:

Remy did not do school. He played with daddy! And tried on his new costume! I finished it today and it is sooo cute!
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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Eli really enjoyed his Music Theory I/flutophone lesson today. He is so smart and just remembers things SO well! It is scary how he remembers.

He had a phonics test today and he did really well. A 100! No surprise. :)

We did the basics today. So I am sorry there isn't more fun to report. We had our daddy instead. :)


Anonymous said...

oh remy nanna wishes she could be there this halloween so we can do the chiken dance ha ha ha and eli you are my smart boy i love you keep up the good work' and remy you need to quit goooooofffff off and get your work done lol

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. We enjoyed reading and looking at the updates. Thank you for posting them.

God Bless you all,

Becky, Gregg, Maw and Paw