A Mom and a Family of Men!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Lesson 52

Today we started back after a little break for Christmas, and a LONG break for sicky's! We are now all well...and looking forward to our brand new year!!!! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Highlights of the day:
Elijah read a few stories about birthdays and is just a reader. He didn't need my help. I am no longer needed. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I guess I will get over it. *sigh*
He then had science time. We finished up on bugs. Today's bug stuff was how God made good and bad bugs. How they both benefit the divine creation and that everything works together for that creation. We also started on plants. We reviewed how the plant lives, procreates. I had forgotten all about the leaves being the food makers of the plant. I love homeschooling. I am getting so smart. He learned how there are flower and cone bearing plants. How seeds from flowers and cones are the way more of the plants are started. The honeybee helps this along. And that pollen is needed from one flower for another. Eli thought this was interesting...that plants also make babies. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
We worked on his spelling words and I think by tomorrow that he will be ready for his test on Thursday. He has two more days to study! He likes that snowman is one of his spelling words. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Remy and I made bags for the kids to hold their stuff in at his dragon party. He is so excited about Saturday! I hope everyone we invited can make it. It will be a blast! I will share pics of our bags and invites soon. :)
That is all for today...no one was in the mood for world domination. We are just too snotty for all of that! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Sherri said...

We LOVED the party invitations. We are excited about coming. The only thing that will stop us is if we do Madison's ice skating thing this Saturday. I was planning it for next Sat., but found out last night that Jeff has a singing that day. I don't want to put it off too long. I will let you know when I find out today!!!
YOUR PARTY LOOKS AWSOME!! You are so creative!!

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Well we would love to have you!!!! :) But we understand about putting off Madison's special day too long. Let us know!