Highlights of the day:
Remy was again trying to do all of his worksheets. I gave in and let him do 2 each of math and phonics/writing. It still wasn't enough. Although I do have great news to report. Matthew and I have decided on the kinder curriculum for him and will be purchasing that very soon. The k4 was just too much of what we have done already. I have been thinking and praying and looking for over 2 months now at what we would do. Matthew and I looked at samples of work from each book in k4 and k5 and decided that k4 would be boring and wouldn't challenge him. So, we plan on taking k5 nice and slow if need be, since he is skipping a year. What to do with a genious little boy? He drives me crazy with how much schooling he needs. But I am not complaining. As long as he as this drive we will go with it and continue on at his pace. Even in 3 year old preschool we would have a week here a few day there that he wanted to watch tv or play with a toy. So we would back off and allow that. He always comes back though. And this last time was more than ever. We have seen BIG changes in his desire to learn, which has always been high, and his stamina for the work. We just can't give him enough. So...in a few weeks...our baby will be a real schooler by all accounts. He will be a kindergartner! Ahhhh! I want to cry!
In math today he counted to 13 with the apples on this tree. We talked about how there are flowers on apple trees and in the fall those flowers turn to apples. :)

The letter S was the letter of the day and he loves how the S sounds like a snake. :)

Isn't his hand so cute writing? I love it!
He made this narwhal today in art. He attached a toothpick to the head and painted black spots on his belly. :)

For science today the boys studied Friction and Air.

They felt the air in the balloon, we talked about how the air took the shape of the balloon and what we felt as the air went out of the balloon. Matthew took it a step further and showed how much air was in his lungs when he took a deep breath. :) Gotta love when daddy gets in on the lessons. The last picture is Remy saying oops he lost his balloon. Hee hee...
We read a book from the magic school bus series about archaeology. And Eli wrote down 5 things that happened in the story. He is so good at writing down his thoughts now. It is amazing!
He had a math test, which he loves, phonics, language, and writing. We studied his new spelling list for the test tomorrow and he knew them all. It was the first time we have looked at it. He floors me. I know that his strong phonics background is the reason he is so good at writing. He is an amazing young man. I love you son! :)
We plan on doing school tomorrow. And we have a Mardi Gras parade to go to. I will try to blog it! :)
Remy sounds so much like Ani. Drive, determination, and a spongelike quality in sucking up knowledge. You're in for it lol
ther faces with the ballons so funny
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