A Mom and a Family of Men!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another Rainy Day Full of Learning!

The weather has been a blast here lately. :) Last night it hailed and again this morning. The back yard was so wet and Matthew even had to drain the pool because it was too full. I just love the sound of rain and watching my sweethearts working away, filling their minds with so many wonderful things. :)

Eli only has 20 more lessons and we are moving on! I can't wait to order, should be anyday. I want to get his stuff in so I can make look it all over and see how I want to use it all.

Today he finished his reader about the time Jesus would have grown up in. Said it was the best reader he has had yet. And we moved on to a new book, and his last reader of the "2nd grade". It is FUN! It is all about the animals and really made for Eli. There is even a whole chapter on bunnies and Eli is totally excited about that.

He wrote the cutest story today. I wanted to run and jump and sing out loud! It was great. How far he has come in his creative writing and just writing in general. I wish that it was as easy for him as say math and reading. But we all have our hard thing to overcome. He has worked so hard. He really hates it. We have tried everything. And then today he authors this incredible story. And he is having a blast while doing it. Happy and proud of his creation. And if you could have seen his face when I hugged him and praised him. It was heavenly!

So, I know you want to hear the story. Here it is:

~If all the Clocks Stopped Working~
If all the clocks stopped working, what would you do? Would you count second by second or would you look at a sun clock? But what would happen if you sneezed? What if you could not find a sun clock? Know what I would do? I would make a new clock!

He almost has his Robert L. Stevenson poem "The Land of Story Books" memorized. We have really enjoyed his poems this year.

Remy finally begged me for school this afternoon, and wouldn't stop until I got his work out. Matthew was still home and I wanted him to be with his daddy. But no go! He did 2 days of lessons and begged for a 3rd. *sigh* Says he loves it. His reading is just better each day. I am amazed!

In math today we started on reading clocks. We had started a few weeks back, but nothing more than mentioning them and then letting it go. I have to say that while I am proud of my baby and love that he adores this time in his day, that I am a little sad. His lessons are maturing him so fast. What will I do when he can say what time it is, or read anything on his own? We really need a new baby. A sweet baby to nurse and hold. Someone that is not schooled in my house. Doesn't that sound wonderful?

When I brought out his writing tablet he danced and sang, "This is my favorite thing to do"! What????? Such the opposite of Eli. This kid loves to write. And while I write this Eli is painting after an hour...and Remy has tired of it long ago. So different. I love them so much.

We played a little number game today. And I snapped a few pictures. :)

Tonight the kids painted.

Just another day in the life of 2 little boys, blessed to be schooled in such a sweet and delightful manner. :)


Beyond Blessed said...

WOW!! You guys look like you have the MOST fun homeschooling! Justin loves it, too! He is like Remy, begging me to do schoolwork with him! LOL! 2 peas in a pod-maybe because they were born so close 2gether!!
Eli Wayne- I am SOOOOO proud of your creative writing story! I thought it was extremely clever, and a neat concept about what we should do if all the clocks stopped working! Keep up the hard work...even when some things may not come easy to us, they are still worth doing and working hard at. And look how great your story turned out! I don't think I could have written a story that wonderful! Remember: Anything worth doing in life will have its challenges, but hard work and persistence pay off in the end and make us stronger, wiser, and more dedicated. I am very proud of you and all your effort with homeschooling! You make your mama, daddy, and everyone who loves and knows you happy and proud.
REMY GAUGE- How was your Happy Happy Birthday?? Great I hope! You are not such a little boy anymore:( And I have never even kissed your sweet face:( I am sad about that, and I know hoe your mama feels about you growing and maturing and learning so so fast. But I am super excited about how well you have been doing with your schoolwork!! I am so proud to hear that you are reading so well, and doing math so well, and science and nature is like your calling in life!! You and brother have both done some fantastic art projects as well! You boys both amaze me!! Keep up the great work Remy, I am ecstatic to hear that you beg your mama to do schoolwork--school is fun! You make my heart smile Remy Gauge!! :) And I am glad for you boys, and my boy--school will be the most fun home with your mamas! Is there any other way? NOT a better way, thats for sure! Your mama first turned me on to homeschooling, and seeing what it has done for you boys, and seeing how much Justin loves learning...I cannot see doing it any other way. You and Eli are just about the BEST boys on this planet and I thank you for taking such good care of your mama and daddy!
Love, Hugs, and smooches!!
Auntie Jenna, Justin, and Uncle Neville xoxoxoxo :) :)

chandra said...

Chelita!! It looks like ya'll have had some wonderful learing days over there too!! Isn't it great!!

Rhonda said...

What a great "clock" story. He sure has a great imagination. My girls also get a lot of their lessons done when it rains. Don't you just love it?!