Packing up that old box of completed stuff is fun too! We always steal a peek at the last day of stuff, me worried that they can't possibly KNOW all that in 170 lessons and the kids thrilled at how big they will be. Fun, fun, fun!
Brina gave Remy some money for slippers on his birthday. And he found these on major clearance at Target.

I was just snapping away at Remy and Mattmos. On one he gave me a shock! I looked at the little screen on the camera and then tickled him to death!

I did manage to get a sweet one...

The kids notebooking...

You can see the difference in each of them. Eli is super relaxed and silly with his mind off in the clouds. Remy is intense, on the edge of his seat, hurry to get out of his mind the things he needs to put to paper! Hee hee...I love them both so darn much!
Again, here is Eli talking, chilling out...

A few blogs back I spoke of the rainbowy coloring of Remy's. Well, here is the newest one. :)

And he has learned the Dd's now...

Remy and I had a finger puppet show of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". This was very funny. :)

Let's see...Elijah has learned to estimate and he feels this is a much better way of doing things with numbers. My little short cutter. His creative writing is improving, slowly, but I do see the creative juices starting to flow more. The journal has helped with this I think. I daily have him close his eyes and picture the scene that he is writing about. It takes alot on my part...but the stories are very cute. And he has a way with words that shocks me with a 9 year old. He sounds so wise.
We have been learning about the time in which Jesus grew up. Eli says this is his favorite read aloud EVER! And I really have to agree. I never knew how smart people of his time were. I am WOW'ed! But now Eli feels he should be able to sleep with a little baby sheep in his room. Hee hee...
Remy's reading is just astounding. Yesterday I gave him the blends go, ge, and gu. He added letters and made the words got, get, and gum. I them gave him a challenge word, silk, and he read it with no problems. I love the Magnet Board that we use, I think it is crucial to new readers. It is just so easy to pull this out and to work with our blends, adding letters to make words, and to even read a sentence on it that we make. I love it!
We have some neat Story of the World and Science stuff to get to in the next few days. They also have some painting to do. :) We are so blessed to have this time together. :)
Oh, yes! For us the much anticipated time of new curriculum comes with tax returns. I keep a running list, and weed through it until we have just the right combination. Then, the ordering! The boxes of new, untouched learning materials! New pencils! And paper! Maybe more exciting than opening Christmas presents!
Have fun with your new stuff! Oh, and I loved the toad chalk movie!
Yea, I do think it is better than Christmas. Unlike the toys of Christmas Day the learning materials open up for us a whole new year of learning new stuff. And we get to use these on a daily basis! How much more fun can it get? Hee hee...
We will have fun with our new stuff...enjoy yours as well.
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