A Mom and a Family of Men!

Friday, January 11, 2008

School in Bed

There is nothing like the flu! Man, it can really just wipe you out and put you out of orbit for a few days. I did not do as well as the boys and Matthew. And Eli was barely effected. Today was the best day for me as of yet. But I feel weak and tired.

And not doing school is not an option now that I am awake and aware of life. I just don't want to think of a sweet friend that has passed on all day. So school is going to be my saving grace. Thanks be to God that my children are home with me. I would be going crazy at home all by myself right now. They have made me able to carry on with some form of normal and they make me laugh.

So many parents can't stand to have the kids at home. What a blessing they are missing. But then again I think the reason for them not wanting them home is because they have not put in any training into the children. Please people, foster the Lord's way in your home and in your children. It is so crucial in this day and age. Your children's lives depend on it. The people they will interact with depend on it.

Remy did some BEAUTIFUL rainbow coloring in his little book today while Eli and I had some math and writing work. I think we may do school in bed for the next few days. I just want to experience this feeling and let it envelope me with it's calmness. I feel a need to break away from the world. I really need to focus on my family. There have been two recent BIG events in my life lately that have told me to slow down, enjoy my children, they have shown me that I have a first love. My God and Family.

So, today while I watched my boys in school I have decided that we are going to have a gestating period of sorts. I am really revamping our time we spend in family prayer and scriptures. We will begin with an a.m and p.m. time of 15 minutes together and work up to an hour. I will tack on a prayer journal for Eli to write in eventually, where he can write what he feels the Lord is saying to him in that scripture and the prayers he has.

We plan to take many little travel days with the kids. This means not spending money eating out or on anything we don't need. We are going to get out and about into this world with our children while we can. While they adore us and want to be with us.
We will be in "school" 7 days a week. Not the 3 R's everyday mind you, and not in a textbook, but learning and my goal is to see the teaching I can be doing. The children are going to become our shadows helping in all we do. I want them to learn to cook, clean and anything else we do. I want them to be hard workers.

I want to have fun with my children. I am blessed in that I still have earthly arms in which to hold them in. How blessed I am. :) I am blessed because I get to parent my boys.

I am getting the necessary medical attention I need so we can add to our family. We desire more children and have put this on the back burner.

Everything else is going to WAIT or either come at God's speed, not our speed.

And since the house is STILL unpacked, I will teach my children how to set up house. :) And when we get it all unpacked we will begin on their room. I can't wait to decorate it for them.

I have already started reading to them more. Narnia is what we are on right now. It is so good!

Anyway, this is where I am at. Thankful to God that I have my 3 men and that we are together.

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