A Mom and a Family of Men!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Remy with Dakota...

We have had Dakota since Remy was a baby. And Dakota loved him when he was a baby. He would sit on him and kiss him and groom him. I would get a birdy bite if I tried to remove him from the baby. And Remy always the animal lover would sit and allow this birdie to walk on him and claim him as his own.

As Remy grew into a toddler he started putting stuff in the cage, little toys and stuff. This of course FREAKED Dakota out. He also would beat the cage saying hello. This really FREAKED him out. Remy also became louder and screamed and ran around when he found his legs. So Dakota found a general dislike for Remy as time went on. Very sad. And Remy very much wanted that relationship back.

Through the years Remy has grown and become even more of an animal lover. And now at newly 5 years of age he got a special treat! We had clipped Dakota's wings and he of course shows us how we offended him for a few days. But he has always let me pick him up and start my murmuring of sweet nothings for his wonderful forgiveness. Hee hee...

But not last night. He claimed someone that no one thought he would ever claim again! And it was like the years between babyhood and age 5 had never happened!



Motherbird said...

Very Sweet!

chandra said...

AWWW! That is so sweet. We have a cockatiel too but he won't let us touch him :O(

Rhonda said...

That is just wonderful that they have come together again. I enjoyed watching him dance. How cute! My oldest daughter has a parakeet and he adores her, but if Lindsay goes near him he gives her those little warning pecks. He does NOT like to have his wings clipped. I can hold him and he likes to sit on my shoulder and snuggle up in my hair. He has been with us for almost 7 years now.

Anonymous said...

awww, look at him with that bird! They look like little pals!
~Retrocutie from JM

Sherri said...

Girl!!! How did I not know that you had a precious little bird. We have got to come see him! My kids would have a fit to get to see it just walking around. I don't even know what they would do to see him dance like that. Wow! I never know what I am going to find out about you next!!
Eli's drawing is AMAZING!! Wow!

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Hee hee...yes Dakota has been with us for a few years now! :) We adore him! Call me to set up a day to visit him!

We have a small petting zoo here at my house. Hee hee...