A Mom and a Family of Men!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Turtle Conservation in the Spring!

Okay, so the turtle that Remy found too far away from his water source the other day, was set free. He was so upset that his favorite creature find ever was leaving him for the wide open wild. But we told him how by doing this he was doing a grown up job called conservation. That is was a conservationist! He liked that idea...being caretaker of his small outside world.

Matthew took them down to the water before he left for work and this little turtle smelled the water and went NUTS! *laugh*




Today we had a normal Saturday at home. We are staying home more often so we can afford some splurges during vacation. We live for Disney this coming Saturday! YAY!

I did take them to the library because I had some movies on hold for them. And then I went and bought the bathroom stuff we would need on our trip.

Matthew had work early and then a photo shoot at a Prom for the local paper. He just arrived home.

On my way out to the library today I checked the mail. And a very interesting spider was flung onto me. I was shocked, but thought it was only a bee. It was quite stocky. I flung it to the middle console and saw it wasn't a bee! I was a very suspicious spider!

I put him in a playdoh cup with a lid and brought him into the house. Here he is.
I haven't had a chance to look up what it is just yet, but I do think Remy has a spider book. This thing had a web bundle on a Dominoes flyer in my box. I think he traveled a bit! I will update when I find out what he is...but I am sure Rhonda will come through for me. :)

While in the front yard I had to take some photos of Spring once again. Enjoy!










I wonder if the strawberries will bear some fruit???
Update on our Spider from What's that bug website:
Jumping Spider(03/01/2005) bug definitionI have these Spiders in my Garage. Last year my wife flipped out and killed one that was between 1/2" and 3/4". All the ones that we have seen since have bee half that size. We live in the pacific Northwest. If it helps any, these spiders are very aware. I had one on the hood of my car while I was waxing it. I tried to sneak up on it. As I got about 4 feet away it turned towards and me and reared up it's head as if it had no fear of me whatsoever and wanted me to know it.
You have a species of Jumping Spider from the Family Salticidae. They are small, often colorful, do not build webs but stalk their prey, and are harmless to humans. They have excellent eyesight and have very rapid movements
Here is the page:


Unknown said...
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Sherri said...

Carter was also very sad when we had to let his turtle go...a big one that we found at Jeff's parent's house. I worried and worried about how we would let it go without making Carter sad. I finally suggested that we write Carter's name on the shell and let him draw a picture of himself and the turtle...it worked!! I will blog a few pictures of Carter and his turtle when I get a chance...when I get a chance!!! We are working on the pool today...finally!!!

Anonymous said...

I just love the spring photos! I should take some of our yard before DH does mows it all down! It's beautiful! :)
As for the creepy crawly....*shudder*

Retrocutie at Homeschool Madness

Anonymous said...

I always love your spring pictures. I can't wait till it looks like that around here! And eeewwwww to the creepy crawly lol... spiders creep me out!

Rhonda said...

Your photos were lovely. I love all the signs of spring. So beautiful. Sorry I couldn't find the type of spider you had (shivers)I was away on a min-vacation in Colorado! :0) I see that you have found it though. I love searching for different kinds of creepy crawlers even though I am afraid of them. LOL! I am glad to be back so that I can catch up on all of your blogs.

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Oooooooh, a mini vacation to COLORADO!!!!! You will blog it, right? :)

Carisa said...

We have a red eared slider, I can't wait to show Paxton your photos! Our sons would probably be best buds if they ever met! Funny how you can feel that way about someone you've never physically met :).

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Carisa, I bet they would be fast friends! :) They have two little red eared sliders. They got them over a year ago and they are getting so big. But for some reason Remy enjoyed the visit of his turtles WILD cousin! LOL!

Kristine said...

That is creepy that the spider knows when you are coming and goes on the attack. Whoa! Again, I loved your pics. I'm jealous of all the flowers you have already. It was sweet of your son to return the turtle to it's home. It's so hard to say good-bye though.

Motherbird said...

Gorgeous Pictures!