A Mom and a Family of Men!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

School Updates...

The blog has been taken over by vacation, spring, sunny weather, flowers, garden's and visits. So, I thought I would update on what we are doing in "real" school. I will start with Remy. :)

Today he finished his first Reader. He can spell anything he can read! This just came out of no where! I didn't think to ask him until the teacher's manual said something about it. He is on lessons 84, tomorrow he is exactly halfway through kinder. He is spelling! Perfectly. Man, phonics rocks! Any child getting instruction with Phonics in this country is blessed beyound words! I have seen two children learn and learn quickly with ease using the approach.


I then handed him a book and told him to smile while I took a picture. He asked me what it was...I told him Book B in his first set of Readers. He went WILD! He jumped up and down and he hugged me. He said thankyou! This kid is in love with reading. :)

In writing he is writing full sentences and he knows how to write every letter big or little. He says now that he knows how it isn't as fun. He says Reading and Math is the most fun now. Just like Elijah, loves the hard stuff, the new stuff.

In Math he is counting by 10's. He can count money in pennies and dimes. And what is funny is that he has NO idea he is multiplying. He can read clocks to the new hour. And his addition skills are really good. :)

He found a really neat bug this week.

He also got a new Stitch movie in the mail that daddy ordered him. :)

And a few days ago I hear water running in his bathroom. It runs for a long time. I finish what I am doing and go to look. He is walking down the hallway to the living room with THIS!

I am like WHOA! What are you doing?????

I am making a tank for my seahorse mommy.

Me puzzled....

I take a closer look with it safe on the floor....

Yep, it's a tank for a seahorse alright! Hee hee! He is always making my heart go pitter patter with the element of water. *laugh*

We are still winging it fully with Elijah. If that second box doesn't come soon I will lose my mind. I am so ready to start!

He finished the first book in the Series of Unfortunate Events. He is now on book two. When Matthew brought it home he grabbed it and ran to a spot to start reading.

He really loves the books and today he watched the movie. You just have to love the library. It makes homeschooling easy. :)

He has been writing and drawing. He has been doing some math, a few problems a day. And we have some science or history added in throughout the week. He is dying to make rain into rocks. We have to get to that soon!

Outside he has made a "lab" around a tree with sticks. CRACKS me up! Such a neato boy!

Okay, I am pretty caught up on my own blogging. I have read all the blogs I read that I was behind on. And my house is back to normal after my resting after the vacation.

I have finished a few books myself and starting some new ones. I can never get enough. :)

Happy schooling everyone!


Rhonda said...

We love those little readers here. I had tears in my eyes when Lindsay completed her first one. Isn't it just wonderful to hear them read and know that YOU are the one that taught them? A Beka has an awesome phonics program! I love the fact that our children are learning from the same books. That photo of Remy with his second book is a hoot! You can't tell that he is excited....not one bit. LOL!

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Is it neat that our to little's are using the same books. I am actually addicted to teaching someone to read. It is just as good as helping a mom have a baby! What a rush! LOL!

Laura said...

Hey Chelita! I don't think anything could give you such a rush as when you talk about helping Moma's in the birth process!! You just get so excited, but I know it must be exciting, too, help your sweet boys learn to read.

So, are you still douling? Dying to know. I asked Sheppard about you long time ago and she said she hadn't seen you.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the boys are really coming along aren't they? Way to go Remy on reading and everything else he's doing! And Elijah cracks me up with his lab! Love it!
retro from JM

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Laura, I am still at it. Took a break for midwifery training. And now I am on a mini break from that, deciding what we will do to get through the next half of it. Whew! I have done quite a few births with Dr. S lately. :)

And yes those births get me so darn happy! :)

ReTrO, that lab is just knee slappin' funny to me! We have had big storms and it is sort of messed up. Well he was out there today getting it put back together.

Alison said...

You and your kids rule girly!!!

Anonymous said...

YYEEAA!! I am so proud of you too :)

jugglingpaynes said...

What fun! Do you mind if I drop my kids off at your place? :o)

I'm loving the stick lab. We get lots of stick creations.

Peace and laughter,