A Mom and a Family of Men!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Lesson 19

It was a good day here at our little secret lab....I mean school. *nervous laugh* Everyone got to work and completed all of the lessons they had in front of them.

Highlights of the day:

Eli had his 2nd Spelling test of the 2nd grade year. And made a 100! Really not surprised. He was really excited about this spelling test for some reason. Don't really know why. He was just really eagar and happy to do it.

He also had art today. He made what is called a stuffed apple.
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The second pictures shows that it is stuffed or 3D a little better than the first. With this art project we revisited directional coloring, and dark and light contrast. It didn't really show up on the photo but the middle is lighter than the outer edges. We also ventured into 3D art with this one. And he loved it. He takes his time and just smiles when he is done with art. That part of him reminds me of Mattmos.

Today I snapped some photos of him copying his scripture verse.
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He is just so darn cute to me! And look...his writing is almost just like mine!
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We also chatted a bit about the importance of farm animals and farms. It was a very sweet conversation. And he is sooo smart! After our conversation we made up some farm animal cards and played Go Fish and Memory with them.

Remy's day was good. We reviewed the letter Ii in his worksheet and read some poetry and sang songs with hand motions. After that he made his lion mask.
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He really loved this. He is my dresser upper! LOL!

Today he was very sure about the Aa and moved on to Ee in phonics. He knew the E by sight but not the sound it made. We plan to stay on Aa and Ee as long as needed. :)

It was a sweet day full of lots of learning and time together. I LOVE HOMESCHOOLING!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my who is that behind that lions mask oooooo.eli you are going to have a good handwriting