A Mom and a Family of Men!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Field Trip to museum of natural science!

Oh we had such a great time today! I was off today and so was daddy! Yay! And, I was not on call for a mama. We decided to take a little drive. We were all getting a little stir crazy. And we just had the urge to go! So, last night Matthew and I researched cheap day trips that we could take with the kids. It was either hunt for snow, if there was snow. Or go somewhere educational.

The National Museum of Natural Science in Jackson, MS. {http://www.mdwfp.com/museum/} was just was we needed! The website did not do it credit! It was GREAT! I would suggest anyone to go if they had the chance. It is $3 dollars for children over three, and $5 dollars for each adult. It takes about 2 1/2 hours to really look and get into everything they have.

The first thing that catches your eyes is the huge toothed whale skeleton hanging from the ceiling!
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Eli and Remy just LOVED it! They marveled over how long the tail bone was. And just how BIG it was. Eli wanted to know why the ribs were just in one place. I told him it is because all of his organs were right there. So the rib bones are just there to protect them.

Remy really like this model of a lion skull. He played with the teeth. I just love his little hand, the way it looks in the picture.
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There was this cute frog statue as they entered the aquarium. They just had to have a picture of it...sitting on it of course. I am sure it was against the rules. But, shhhhh...
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They are just each posed in such a way that is just uniquely them. *sigh* Oh how I love them!

Here they are look one of the aquariums.
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Now this is a little eel I think of some kind. There wasn't anything that said what it was. But while Remy was watching the little creature just opened his little mouth as if to say HELLO! The kids just squealed. I consider it a gift from God to them. God loves to give us those moments. And it was a great one for the boys. :)
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Eli studed about Beavers this year. And I was just thrilled to see a display about them! Look how neat!
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We looked over and Remy was laying on the board and waving and conversing with this one fish. It was just too sweet. :)
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You might have to look closely, but this snake has 2 heads. He is not alive though. I was so happy that it was there. Eli has been really curious about when things are not "normal" in nature. So this was a treat for him.
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Okay, now first look at how massive this "blue" catfish is. He is actually white. But he is HUGE! We loved him. The second picture is a close up of his face. Remember, compare him to Remy!
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This last picture the boys are looking at the alligator. You can see his tail if you look closely between the boys.
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Now tomorrow we will do the worksheets and stuff they have for the kids to do on their site.


Anonymous said...

What a COOL museum!! I wish we had a natural history museum here. We do have a science museum in Oklahoma City, but we've not taken The Kids there yet. I think they may be old enough this year, though. I love all the pictures you took - your boys are so cute!

Sherri said...

Woo Hoo...what a great place! We saw the sign for it when we were in Jackson for the ice skating. In fact, we saw a lot of really cool stuff to do while we were in Jackson. Usually when we want to take a long weekend somewhere, we go to Shreveport, but we are thinking that our next one should be in Jackson. We can go skating again, go to the museum, visit the zoo, etc. I'm glad to know that the museum is awesome! I reall enjoyed the pictures!!!