A Mom and a Family of Men!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Freezer Experiment!

Now that we live in the new house...there are new things to do. For Remy this entails him playing in a freezer that he can see into. Since he was a little guy we have always had the freezer on top. Now...we have a freezer on the side. And he loves it.
The first week he did nothing but make ice and water. He didn't drink it. He just made it. There were cups of it everywhere.
Now...he has found better things to do with it...as you will soon see.
I was first aware of his little freezing experiments in the red "Veggie Tales" cup. He froze it, showed it to me with great pride and would lick it a few times and put it in the freezer for safe keeping. Okay....
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Then He showed me a before and after.
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It doesn't end there folks! The other day I had the pleasure of my 4 year old bringing me a baggie that I use in Co-op full of water...frozen water...
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He is so proud! And all I can think is how in the world did he do this without me seeing him????
I think he has the freezing thing down pat...don't you think?


Sherri said...

I had to smile because this is so much like what Patrick does. He loves to put action figures and other toys into cups of water and freeze them!
We did a cool thing in our study of erosion last week. We filled a jar with water and sealed it tightly, then froze it. I put it in a ziploc so the glass wouldn't get in the freezer. When the water froze, the glass broke. When we thawed it out, the glass jar just fell apart. All of this was to demonstrate how water/ice plays a role in the breaking down of rocks. When we were finished, Patrick said, "Man, I wish I would have put a toy in there!"

Mama Teaching 3 said...

LOL! Oh my gosh! That cracks me up! Sweet boys!