A Mom and a Family of Men!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Baby Bunny...

First a little history. When Mattmos and I first got married we had a baby bunny named chloe. She was very sweet and she grew into a sweet girl who loved to walk after me. She was litter trained and would come when I called her. I loved her very much. She was meant to be Eli's but she died before he was born. She had cancer, her ear was removed to save her, but she died anyway. It was very sad. :(

I have waited for years and many moves for a new sweet bunny. But we always rented our housing or there wasn't enough room. Well, finally we moved into our new house and last night Matthew bought home the sweetest bunny rabbit in town!

Brina and the kids with the bunny:


Well, this morning the little baby started to pass out and not act right. :( Matthew rushed him to the pet store and the sweet lady Valerie fed him corn syrup because he was hypglycemic. :( The vet is very optimistic that he will not have to be put to sleep and says his sugar levels need work and that he is dehydrated. I feel so bad for him. We only had him a short time. Last night he ate half a little bowl of food and drank lots of water. We just feel so bad. I totally lost it. I can't lose another bunny baby. I wanted one for so long and he was perfect. *sigh* Please be in prayer for the little guy!


Sherri said...

I WANT HIM!!! I just called to see if we could come over and see it, but you weren't home :(. I so hope that he is okay....how sweet!!! We loved on all of those bunnies at that same pet store...how sweet!!!! Call me!

Mama Teaching 3 said...

I KNOW HE IS SO SWEET! He isn't with us...he is at the vet's, we so hope he lives!