Daddy left us after lunch for work again today. We had school time and then they played all day. Thought I would show how crazy busy my little Remy is. :)
He did his 50th day of lessons today! And he is VERY proud!
Here he is READING with the new CK rule he learned today.
He has no fear of learning and finds it to be just something else he does in life. He is ready to just read whole books, said so today. Glad we have a super nice library right up the road from us. :)
He made this little turkey today.
He was all over the place today and full of Remy sized energy. He and Eli played outside alot with the doggies an they even rode their scooters up the road with daddy before he left for work. :)
He played with moon sand.
He played with blocks.
He played the DS.
And at night I have to empty his pockets or I have melted messes or rolling marbles in my dryer! Hee hee...
And now for a fun mommy moment. I plan on doing the boys bathroom in Monkeys. I have wanted to do this for years, but I didn't want to put the money into it and then move. I bought this monkey switchplate on ebay a LONG time ago while we lived at the old house. I put it in the boys bathroom, and it is CUTE!
I will most likely not blog tomorrow due to church and Mattmos being off of work. Enjoy a blessed Sunday and miss us lots!
ROFL! "I got a huff dog" Oh girl he is so adorable! I love it! He just seems so young to be reading like that. I sure wish that I would have started Lindsay earlier in her lessons.
I love the monkey light switch plate! Looks like Remy had another full day of fun! Congrats on him reading!
~Retrocutie from JM
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