A Mom and a Family of Men!

Monday, March 03, 2008

The Ant Farm Experience and Spiderwick

Friday we were leaving to watch "Spiderwick" and Remy ran to check the mail. He runs back with an envelope full of ANTS! Eli's ants had finally arrived! So right back into the house we ran and we started his ant farm. We had ordered them the week after Christmas.

Eli with his ants.

Getting it all out!


First you have to start three holes.

And here is the video...feel free to giggle and laugh!

Now Matthew decided to NOT follow directions and have them in the fridge for 15 minutes... He was so proud of himself.

We went to see Spiderwick, Eli says it is his favorite movie and Remy is all about the fairys! *Big Smile*

We decided to paint our own on Saturday. Remy didn't want to. We sat outside in the breeze and painted. After that we had spaghetti (for tomato sauce) and pound cake and strawberries drizzled with honey (for fairy food and brownie food).

Here is Daddy's painting...it isn't done.

My painting...


Today we looked at the ant farm and look how much they have done!

I think an ant farm is just a blast and we all have lots of fun checking in on them.

Today Eli studied his spelling list, drew a picture from spiderwick, and we started reading the Arabian Nights for part of our history. :) It is the OLD book and the wording is pretty and flowery! I love the classic written word, not this condensed modern mess they try to stuff down our kids throats.

Looking forward to a new week!


Melissa said...

Ohh! Ant farms are so much fun! We drove our mother crazy one summer by first purchasing the cheap dollar store ant farms that had little fish line things to attach between the different containers, and then catching ants outdoors and keeping them. She was fine until the little tubes came off and we had ants in the house... hehe!

Rhonda said...

Ants! How fun! I was screeching with you when they started coming to the top of the glass in the video. LOL! They are tunneling so fast. Busy little workers aren't they? I am sure that the boys will have great fun with them. I love your fairy paintings from "Spiderwick". Those are so darn cute.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how awesome! The video had me cracking up lol And the paintings are great... I love them all!

chandra said...

Hey there, just catching up on your blog. I wanted to let you know I LOVE reading about your days. You have a beautiful family.

Dana Leeds said...

The ants look like so much fun. My daughter got both an ant farm and a praying mantis kit for Christmas. I need to get them ordered!! Thanks for sharing your fun! - Dana

Mama Teaching 3 said...

We really want the mantis kit!