A Mom and a Family of Men!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Lessons 7 & 8

Today found us with our little master minds once again in the school room. Or should we say the "master minds plotting room"? Everyone was in a cheerful mood and ready to learn.
Remy did not do much but he sat in on the science, phonics, and poetry time. He is very interested in his body since Eli has been doing his little experiments this year on the human body.


In Science today the boys had two hands on experiments. One was really gross. But I guess I should tell it anyway. We learned that the stomach has a job. A very important job at that. And this job is to digest or process your food into a liquid mixture.

Here is how to do the project:
*Take 3 glasses and fill them halfway with water. This is your stomach.
*In one glass add 2 TBs. of powdered milk and stir. This is your stomach churning and digesting the powder.
*In the second glass put in 2 TBS. of honey and do the same.
*And in the last glass put in 2 TBs. of peanut butter.

Now, their findings were that the powdered milk was the most easily digested. And so it would be easily digested by their stomach. The honey formed little glops and didn't want to mix all the way, but it did mix to a certain extent. The peanut butter was interesting and gross in my opinion. It did not mix up at first but it did make the water cloudy. We let it sit and came back to churn our stomach some more and it did start to break up into tiny pieces and the water was DISGUSTING! Have you ever heard the words "Do no try this at home"? Well, take my advice and don't try this at home! Now I can only think of how my stomach is eating and what it looks like in there! YUCK!

Then it was on to putting a skeleton together! Eli and Remy worked together to put each piece together and this is the skeleton:
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There was one more thing one could do with bones that we all voted NO on. Putting a chicken bone in vinegar and leaving it for two weeks to make a rubber bone because all of the calcium would be gone. Since we don't eat the little chickens this was not going to happen! So, I wonder if an overly acidic body would harm the bones? Hmmmmm....

Eli also had his weekly flutophone lesson. It was his second one and he is able to remember stuff so well! He knows what these things are:
*Treble clef
*That the staff has 5 lines and 4 spaces (like our hands).
*The solfege pitches
*And he knows where the solfege pitches are on the staff.

I was worried about teaching him the flutophone. But as with everything else...I don't teach. He just reads and understands everything. I seriously think teachers are over rated! If a child is taught to read he or she can learn and do anything without much help at all! Wow! I sure wish I could have known this in school. It would have saved me years of feeling so inadequate.

The boys were very close to their goal of world domination...it was so close they could TASTE it!

1 comment:

Karate Mom said...

I love that idea about the stomach! We started a unit on the body last week, so I may have to incorporate that when we get to the digestive system! I also love the "world domination" theme of your blog. Very funny!