We were supposed to go and pick out a new bunny. And then a dear friend passed away on the 6th of January. So, I was in no mood to bring bunny #2 home.
Then On Sunday after church we went to see who they had waiting for us at the store. The nice lady Valerie had saved us a little black bunny, she is very sweet. :)
Are you ready to see her? This time bunny is a girl and she as well does not have a name. Anyone want to help? We like people names.

She is very active and I caught her with her tongue out on one photo...although it is blurry.

She is doing well and I think this one is a keeper. But now Remy wants two bunnies. I do believe she is missing her bunny family. She comes straight away when you open the cage. She wants to be rubbed and patted. I LOVE HER! And so do the children...
Oh, you have such a beautiful little bunny! I used to have a lot of them myself (I was a breeder for a while).
Just a suggestion on how Remy was holding her: try to have the boys hold her facing in instead of out. Her rib cage is quite fragile, and holding them facing in the outward direction can result in very serious injuries.
On a name... I'm not too great at names, but she does seem to look like a Gloria... so there is my name suggestion. :-)
Thankyou for telling us about her ribs. I will inform the boys ASAP!
I will put that name in the running! :) She is so sweet!
Oh she is darling! I love the one with her tongue sticking out. Ok I got my girls to take a look at her and they came up with Isabella, "Bella" for short. She just looks so sweet.
Ooops I forgot to ask, would it be ok if I added you to my blog favorites?
Yes! Add me!!!!
I LOOOOVE that baby bunny!! Justin and I have been wanting to get one:) How has it been to care for her? I am afraid I won't be able to let her out and keep my eye on her the full 3-4 hours a day I read that she will need to be emotionally and physically healthy.
AS for names...hmmm...I like the Isabella and Bella for short that Rhonda suggested.
Since you have a Juliet, aka Dewey, how about Julianna, or Josephina? Whatever you guys come up with will be perfect! Let us know, we are in suspense:)
Ya know, she is a blast! With me she is very attached and devoted already. She gave me kisses the other night and she will run or hop run to me as fast as she can! Hee hee.... She is small and so I hold her mostly, but she does get to hop around the house when the dogs are outside. At this age she likes me most. She tolerates the boys though. I think with time she will feel just as comfy with them. But again all of our animals love me most.
I was on youtube and there was a bunny there named Midow...I love that.
What about Penelope? I had a black bunny name Penelope when I was younger- I also had a lop eared bunny named Henrietta but she turned out to be a Henry! haha!
~Retrocutie from JM
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