A Mom and a Family of Men!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Sweet Saturdays...

So, how do you spend yours? I am very blessed to have Saturdays with my two sweeties! Daddy was at work and we decided to forego the household chores aside from laundry. We had school instead.

Eli read his Bunnicula book and the book on Mononucleosis again today. He is almost done with them both. I could hear his cute giggles over Bunnicula as Remy and I did a phonics sheet together. I love the way Elijah laughs, it tickles my heart. :)

Remy has swapped his Lizard out for a Frog. Mr. Lizard was very thankful to make it back out into the wild and out of human hands. Hee hee. He better run far away though, Remy will catch him again. I have to share this video of Remy with the frog. My sweet little Steve Irwin. *sigh*

After all of the froggy fun and Remy's core stuff we moved on to some of our Story of the World stuff. We are almost done with Akkadia and Sargon the Great!

Here is our map of the area.


And of course Sargon the Great...


Daddy is off tomorrow! Thank goodness, we miss him.


Rhonda said...

LOL! I loved that video. I would have been jumping out of my shoes and screaming (like you did) if my little one would have put that frog by me. She loves lizards, frogs, etc. *shivers*

Mama Teaching 3 said...

The scream came from not EXPECTING him to bounce him in my face! LOL!

Jessica said...

Love the hypnotized frog! I loved frogs as a kid too, they are loads of froggy fun.